

machine learning


斯坦福大学素以创业家摇篮著称,门徒中不乏互联网之父Vint Cerf(现谷歌副总裁兼首席互联网科学家),Google的联合创始人Sergey Brin和Larry Page,惠普传奇创始二人组Willian Hewlett和David Packard,以及一大票声名显赫的技术狂人。


在免费的16门公开课中,有9门课程斯坦福大学选择了斯坦福教授Andrew Ng创办的Coursera平台,其中包括“科技写作”和“人机互动”两门课程。Coursera目前与全美16所名校签署了合作协议,运作其在线公开课程。


  1. 机器学习 Machine Learning with Professor Andrew Ng, starting August 20
  2. 密码学 Cryptography with Professor Dan Boneh, starting August 27
  3. 数学思维入门 Introduction to Mathematical Thinking with Professor Keith Devlin, starting September 17
  4. 概率图形模型 Probabilistic Graphical Models with Professor Daphne Koller, starting September 24
  5. 人机互动 Human-Computer Interaction with Professor Scott Klemmer, starting September 24
  6. 逻辑学概要 Introduction to Logic with Professor Michael Genesereth, starting September 24
  7. 组织分析 Organizational Analysis with Professor Dan McFarland, starting September 24
  8. 科技写作 Writing in the Sciences with Professor Kristin Sainani, starting September 24
  9. 算法:设计与分析 第二部分Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 with Professor Tim Roughgarden starting in October
  10. 科技创业 Technology Entrepreneurship with Professor Chuck Eesley, starting in the fall
  11. 创意风暴课 A Crash Course on Creativity with Professor Tina Seelig, starting in the fall
  12. 新学习环境设计 Designing a New Learning Environment with Professor Paul Kim, starting in the fall
  13. 金融 Finance with Professor Kay Giesecke, starting in the fall
  14. 创业公司董事会:创业进阶 Startup Boards: Advanced Entrepreneurship with Professor Clint Korver, starting in the fall
  15. 太阳能电池、燃料电池与传统电池 Solar Cells, Fuel Cells and Batteries with Professor Bruce Clemens, starting October 8
  16. 计算机网络入门 An Introduction to Computer Networks with Professors Nick McKeown and Philip Levis,






能用IT解决的问题都不是问题。 极客、科技作家、周末画报专栏作家、IBM商业价值研究院资深撰稿人;著有《软件的黄金时代》。邮箱:liuchaoyang@ctocio.com