CTOCIO专栏作者  Jean-Paul Smets

Jean-Paul Smets是上海外高桥自由贸易区的纳宇软件科技公司的CEO。纳宇软件科技经营着一个HTML5应用程序商店 (www.officejs.com)并发布了开源的ERP和CRM产品(www.erp5.com).


美国、欧盟、中国的隐私与云数据监管之间的“隐私革命”将如何博弈和演化,这对于全球云计算企业和互联网公司来说又意味着什么? 阅读全文
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Huawei in contact with European technology providers of privacy

Huawei could present itself as a global champion of privacy by simply adopting a fully open source app store such as Aptoide or a fully open source operating system such as /e/ with a strong focus on privacy. 阅读全文
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2019年对于华为来说可能是最糟糕的一年,但也有可能是从优秀到伟大的一年。 阅读全文


在5G的弯道追逐赛中,中国能否摆脱对美国的关键技术依赖,同时又不损失速度和成本优势? 阅读全文

5G without USA: yes we can!

5G without USA: yes we can!
European technology suppliers combined with Shenzen ecosystem of small and medium businesses can provide everything that is needed to create latest generation 4G and 5G virtual radio access network (VRAN) infrastructure without depending on USA suppliers 阅读全文
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中国有着全球最贵的云计算服务,比欧洲贵20倍!猛如房价的“中国云成本”,已经成为吞噬中国数字经济活力的超级黑洞。 阅读全文

China Internet: why is it unreliable and how to fix it?

China Internet: why is it unreliable and how to fix it?
Internet in China is unreliable: it is probably less reliable than in some of the 20 poorest countries in the world. This fact is little known: most people believe that all sources of all ... 阅读全文
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从中国访问一家没有被墙的国外网站往往也非常困难,从国外访问中国的合法网站也经常会“气若游丝”,很难想象这样糟糕的网络可用性如何支撑以电子商务为龙头的中国数字经济的全球化发展。 阅读全文

GOGS: Birth of a Chinese Free Software

Gogs is the best example I know of Free Software made by Chinese developers. 阅读全文
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Gogs是我所了解的最棒的中国开发员开发自由软件的例子: 它是原创的,使用了先进的架构,基于Go语言和最新的JavaScript框架,它有着国际化的设计,并且尝试建立一个社区,它也没有企图推动任何商业化形式的专有版本。 阅读全文

The Routerless Enterprise

The Routerless Enterprise
Routers are the cornerstone of Enterprise networks and a possible intrusion vector to steal trade secrets in a fierce international competition context. It is time to move on... 阅读全文


由思科,华为,Juniper等公司制造的路由器是企业网络的基石,但同时也成为残酷国际竞争环境中商业间谍最钟爱的入侵通道。 阅读全文

ChromeOS: 国产桌面操作系统的天赐良机

ChromeOS: 国产桌面操作系统的天赐良机
在中国不能使用ChromeOS是因为大多数的谷歌API都被限制了。 这很遗憾,但这同时也是建立一个有望超越谷歌ChromeOS的国产OS的绝好机会。就像谷歌搜索被丢到墙外造成了百度的一枝独秀。 阅读全文

After ChromeOS: National Desktop OS in the Right Way

After ChromeOS: National Desktop OS in the Right Way
Governments in India, China, France , Turkey are considering to develop a national operating system for desktop PC. In China, Windows 8 has been banned from public tenders. South Korea announced plans to fully migrate to open source by 2020 . Are those plans going to succeed? 阅读全文
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作为私有云标志性的开源平台, OpenStack似乎成了一个巨大的焦油坑, 数以十亿计的资金投入和不计其数的机构和企业深陷其中,不能自拔, OpenStack正朝着BrokenStack的深渊滑去. 阅读全文

BrokenStack: How Many More Billions to Fix It ?

BrokenStack: How Many More Billions to Fix It ?
More than 4 billions of dollars were unable to produce a decent equivalent to the numerous - yes less famous - open source cloud platforms that already existed on the market and that had been used to support mission critical applications for many years. 阅读全文

After Linux: National Server Operating System in the Right Way

After Linux: National Server Operating System in the Right Way
Russia , China , India , Turkey , France are all creating or planning to create their national operating system as a way to reduce their dependency to US software dominance. Are those plans going to succeed ? 阅读全文

后Linux时代: 国产服务器操作系统面临历史性机遇

后Linux时代: 国产服务器操作系统面临历史性机遇
俄罗斯 , 中国, 印度, 土耳其, 法国都正在开发或者计划开发自己国家的操作系统,从而减少对美国软件统治的依赖。 这些计划将会成功吗? 阅读全文

God particle of Big Data universe discovered: a smart sensor without ICE

God particle of Big Data universe discovered: a smart sensor without ICE
In computer science, part of future can be predicted through a simple axiom:"what happens at CERN soon happens everywhere." We could add a second axiom:""what starts centralized ends up decentralized." How does this apply to Big Data ? 阅读全文
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在粒度更小,数据规模却更大的智能传感器时代,在一场官方色彩越来越浓的“去IOE运动”中,如何利用本土低成本技术资源,在Hadoop之外寻找一条新的开源大数据处理技术方案? 阅读全文

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