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The Routerless Enterprise

The Routerless Enterprise
Routers are the cornerstone of Enterprise networks and a possible intrusion vector to steal trade secrets in a fierce international competition context. It is time to move on... 阅读全文


由思科,华为,Juniper等公司制造的路由器是企业网络的基石,但同时也成为残酷国际竞争环境中商业间谍最钟爱的入侵通道。 阅读全文

God particle of Big Data universe discovered: a smart sensor without ICE

God particle of Big Data universe discovered: a smart sensor without ICE
In computer science, part of future can be predicted through a simple axiom:"what happens at CERN soon happens everywhere." We could add a second axiom:""what starts centralized ends up decentralized." How does this apply to Big Data ? 阅读全文
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在粒度更小,数据规模却更大的智能传感器时代,在一场官方色彩越来越浓的“去IOE运动”中,如何利用本土低成本技术资源,在Hadoop之外寻找一条新的开源大数据处理技术方案? 阅读全文
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